Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Beginners Make Money Online With Yahoo Answers

How to make money online with Yahoo! answers.

Yahoo Answers came on the scene a while back to provide a user to user help site that deals with pretty much anything you can think of to ask. With the amount of people online, pooling everyone’s knowledge is a fantastic way to find answers to questions that maybe you couldn’t find the answer to in more traditional means.

Yahoo Answers is a very popular site, and has millions of users who ask and/or answer questions every single day.

As with any other social or peer site that has a large audience – it drew the internet marketers to it like stink on shit, and a number of creative internet marketers have found some very lucrative ways to make money from other people’s problems.

The last sentence is probably the “golden key” to any internet marketing strategy that has ever existed – find a problem that people have, and present an easy and quick solution. Viola! If you can do that on a regular basis, you can make a lot of money in no time at all.

Yahoo Answers provides the perfect venue for presenting solutions to problems, and there is an almost never ending supply of opportunities to make money from this. Here is a quick step-by-step guide on how to do just that:

1. Find A Question To Answer – Head over to YahooAnswers.com, and start browsing through the wide array of questions on their site. The trick is to find questions that have zero answers or very few answers, that way you’ll get your answer towards the top of the list – so that every time someone finds the question and reads the answers, yours will be first.

2. Tying in to step one, you not only want to find a good question, but you want to make sure it’s one that you could somehow tie in with an affiliate program. For example; somebody asks, “How do I fix the red light error on my Xbox 360?” This is a prime opportunity to cash in for two reasons:

- Many other people will probably come across this and also want to know the answer.

- I just happen to know that there are a few guides on Clickbank.com explaining how to fix this very problem.

So, now that you’ve found this opportunity, you need to work fast and act on it so you can make money from the question.

3. Head over to your favorite domain registrar, and pick up a cheap .info domain for a couple bucks, and try to have one that is related to the problem, e.g. www.xbox360redlighterror.info – or something like that.

4. Log in to your hosting account, and forward the domain to the affiliate ID you got from the website that sells this guide. In this case it’s Clickbank.

5. Go back to the question, and this is important – give a real honest and good answer to the problem, but leave them wanting more. At the end of your answer, suggest they visit the domain that you just bought and had forwarded to your affiliate URL. Also, add it into your resource box.

It’s really that easy! Now every time someone comes across that particular question, the first answer they’ll see is yours, and they will almost always click through to the site you recommended (which is your domain that forwards to your affiliate URL). If they buy the product you recommended you instantly make money!

This type of scenario could make you a very nice passive income for months and possibly years to come. So what are you waiting for? Start using Yahoo Answers to make money online right now!

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